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Chic Geek Club Memberships

  • Geek Peek

    Get a peek at our vibrant community.
    Free Plan
    • Exclusive Member Discounts
    • Insider Newsletter
    • Dynamic Facebook Group
  • Geek Up

    Every month
    Jump start your virtual presence and business with The GeekLink, and access to Chic Geek Support desk.
    • All Geek Peek Member Benefits
    • Private Online Community Access
    • Limited Access to Chic Geek Helpdesk Platform
    • Booking calendar
    • GeekLink Page & QR Code: 1-user CRM with 150 contact limit
  • Visionary Geek

    Every month
    Enhance your web presence with increased access to CRM, courses, and a private community to fuel your vision.
    • All Geek Peek and Geek Up Member Benefits
    • GeekLink Page & QR Code: 2-user CRM with 300 contact limit
    • 2 GeekLink Response Email Response Campaign
    • 4 additional GeekLink Page link outs
    • Limited Access to Courses & Downloads
  • Team Geek

    Every month
    Unlock growth with the power of a customizable plan.
    • All prior level member benefits
    • Monthly Strategy or Execution Sessions
    • GeekLink Page & QR Code: 3-user CRM; 600 contact limit
    • 4 Geek Link Response Email Response Campaigns
    • 1-Page Website and with custom domain*
    • E-store add-on and upgrades available.
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